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Dxperience Universal v2012.1.5


New Products and Major Enhancements
To learn about our new controls, as well as get acquainted with other major improvements introduced in this version, please check the following page:

What's New in 12.1.5 (.NET Product Line)

Breaking Changes
To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page:

Breaking Changes in 12.1.5 (.NET Product Line)

New in Help
To learn about documentation improvements in this version, please refer to the following page:
What's New in Help in 12.1.5 (.NET Product Line)

Enhancements and Updates
Resolved Issues
All Windows Forms Products
All WPF Products
ASPxGridView and Editors Suite
ASPxperience Suite
ASPxScheduler Suite
Coded UI
CodeRush for Visual Studio .NET
DXBars and DXRibbon Common (XPF)
DXBars (XPF Common)
DXBars for WPF
DXCharts for Silverlight
DXCharts for WPF
DXControls (XPF Common)
DXControls for Silverlight
DXControls for WPF
DXDocking (XPF Common)
DXDocking for Silverlight
DXDocking for WPF
DXEditors (XPF Common)
DXEditors for WPF
DXGrid (XPF Common)
DXGrid for Silverlight
DXGrid for WPF
DXMap for WPF
DXNavBar for Silverlight
DXNavBar for WPF
DXPivotGrid (XPF Common)
DXPivotGrid for WPF
DXPrinting for Silverlight
DXRibbon (XPF Common)
DXRibbon for Silverlight
DXRibbon for WPF
DXRichEdit for Silverlight
DXScheduler for Silverlight
DXScheduler for WPF
DXTreeList (XPF Common)
DXTreeList for WPF
eXpress Persistent Objects
eXpressApp Framework
MVC Extensions
Project Templates
Refactor! Pro
Scheduler Core
XPF Demos
XtraBars Suite
XtraCharts Suite
XtraEditors Library
XtraGauges Suite
XtraGrid Suite
XtraLayout Suite
XtraPivotGrid Suite
XtraPrinting Library
XtraReports Suite
XtraScheduler Suite
XtraTreeList Suite
XtraVerticalGrid Suite
New Features/Updates
All ASP.NET Products
All WPF Products
ASPxGridView and Editors Suite
ASPxperience Suite
Coded UI
CodeRush for Visual Studio .NET
DXBars for WPF
DXDocking for WPF
DXGrid for WPF
DXLayoutControl (XPF Common)
DXMap for WPF
DXRibbon for WPF
eXpress Persistent Objects
eXpressApp Framework
Refactor! Pro
XtraBars Suite
XtraEditors Library
XtraGrid Suite
XtraPivotGrid Suite
XtraScheduler Suite

Year: 2012-07
Size: ~255 mb [150mb x 1 104.79mb x1 ]
Type: .rar



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Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise + Bonus tutorial and ebook


Microsoft’s SQL Server 2012, the latest version of its SQL Server platform, is in many ways a response to the demands of the cloud and “big data” applications. SQL Server has evolved from its humble beginnings as a relatively easy-to-use and less expensive database (compared with high-end commercial enterprise databases) for small-scale transactions and analysis into an organizational workhorse, especially for agencies looking to leverage a cloud architecture.
SQL Server 2012 comes in three license configurations: Standard edition, Enterprise edition and the new Business Intelligence edition. The Standard version, which is oriented toward smaller organizations, lacks some of the new enterprise features but still has many features that make it well suited to a number of applications for organizations of many sizes. The Business Intelligence edition delivers many of the high-end data analysis features of the Enterprise edition, minus a few enhanced features.
SQL Server 2012 supports connections to external big-data sources for analytics. It can connect to Apache Hadoop, for example, running on a remote cluster of machines passing queries and pulling the results into SQL Server itself for further analysis. Other types of nonrelational data can be brought into SQL Server as well, using its built-in data connectors.
SQL Server 2012 also makes it easier to build databases and applications on one server and move them to another server or to a cloud service, such as those based on Windows Azure, Microsoft’s cloud platform.
The database software can be easily integrated with Microsoft’s Office desktop applications through Open Database Connectivity connections. SQL Server’s data mining add-ins for Microsoft Office let Excel and Visio users access the reporting and analytics features of SQL Server itself, allowing them to take advantage of server-side “predictive analytics” to explore relationships within data.
A major new feature for the Business Intelligence and Enterprise editions is PowerView, a web-based self-service BI toolkit that integrates with SharePoint. It allows users to do “mash-ups” of different pre-built reports from different servers across the network and pull the results into presentations and other documents.
Uptime delivered by Microsoft SQL Server 2012
SOURCE: Microsoft
Why It Works for IT
For Windows-oriented shops, SQL Server 2012 offers advantages over other databases from a management standpoint. Installation of SQL Server, despite the complexity of the software, is fairly easy to automate and control, and SQL Server’s Management Studio gives administrators a high level of control over database deployment.
In a data center or cloud environment, administrators can install SQL Server 2012 within a Windows Server 2008 server core installation — which can be remotely managed through Management Studio and requires less server maintenance than the full Windows Server environment. A similar version of the new Windows Server 2012 is also supported. Driven by Microsoft’s PowerScript, these installations can easily be virtualized and imaged to reduce the cost of deployment of SQL Server instances within a private or shared cloud infrastructure.
Despite having connectors to non-Windows data sources, SQL Server 2012 is bound to the Windows Server platform — which means it’s bound to Windows-compatible hardware. While the Enterprise edition is priced per server and per core, the Standard and Business Intelligence editions of SQL Server 2012 require client access licenses for each database user (though those “users” could be applications).

Year: 2012-03-06
Size: [500mb x 6, 405.9mb x1] packed size: 3.42GB unpacked 4.19GB
Type: .rar

Tested and upload by margus Thanks to KOPiE

MSSQL 2012 Enterprise


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